CodeIgniter 內建的 Email Class 對雙位元文字的處理實在很糟,設了 charset 也無法正確寄出 UTF-8 中文信件,從 1.7.1 到 2.0.3 都沒有解決這個問題。同事的處理手法有點囧,是用 iconv 把繁中轉成 GBK 再寄送,但這個方法也不完美,不是每個 Email Client 都能正確無誤地顯示,而且標題也有字數限制。
最近要處理一個電子報系統,再用 CI 那跛腳 Email Class 大概會被客訴到瘋掉。所以還是認命改用老牌的 PHPMailer Library。稍微試一下,發現在 CI 裡使用 PHPMailer 相當無痛,先到官網下載一份 PHPMailer (本文完成時的最新版本是 5.2.0),解壓縮後把整個資料夾丟到 CI\application\libraries\PHPMailer_5.2.0。接著在 libraries 下建立新檔案,就叫 mailer.php 好了。
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Mailer { var $mail; public function __construct() { require_once('PHPMailer_5.2.0/class.phpmailer.php'); // the true param means it will throw exceptions on errors, which we need to catch $this->mail = new PHPMailer(true); $this->mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $this->mail->CharSet = "utf-8"; // 一定要設定 CharSet 才能正確處理中文 $this->mail->SMTPDebug = 0; // enables SMTP debug information $this->mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $this->mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier $this->mail->Host = ""; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server $this->mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $this->mail->Username = "";// GMAIL username $this->mail->Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // GMAIL password $this->mail->AddReplyTo('', 'YOUR_NAME'); $this->mail->SetFrom('', 'YOUR_NAME'); } public function sendmail($to, $to_name, $subject, $body){ try{ $this->mail->AddAddress($to, $to_name); $this->mail->Subject = $subject; $this->mail->Body = $body; $this->mail->Send(); echo "Message Sent OK</p>\n"; } catch (phpmailerException $e) { echo $e->errorMessage(); //Pretty error messages from PHPMailer } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); //Boring error messages from anything else! } } } /* End of file mailer.php */
接著在 Controller 裡呼叫這支 library 就可以了,範例如下。
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Epaper extends CI_Controller { public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); } public function send(){ $mail_body = "落落長的內文"; $this->load->library('mailer'); $this->mailer->sendmail( '', '收件人', '這是測試信 '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $mail_body ); } } /* End of file epaper.php */
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